50 first dates

By |April 17th, 2015|

Nothing good comes easy- so the saying goes.  Having a healthy relationship is a good thing- so no doubt it won’t come easy.

Most people work with a wrong misconception which is going on dates should only be at the first stage of a relationship-  but taking time out to do things with your partner is very essential at all stages on the relationship especially after marriage. […]

Infidelity in a relationship- who is to blame?

By |April 7th, 2015|

Apart from domestic violence, infidelity is another major cause of divorce or break-up in marriages or relationships.

Infidelity in simple English can be defined as the action or state of being unfaithful to a spouse or other partner- Infidelity can be emotional or sexual- In this post, I will refer to infidelity as both sexual and emotional. I intend to do a post at a later date on various kinds of infidelity.

So, who do we blame in a relationship where there has being an infidelity by one of the partner? […]