first-date-510Nothing good comes easy- so the saying goes.  Having a healthy relationship is a good thing- so no doubt it won’t come easy.

Most people work with a wrong misconception which is going on dates should only be at the first stage of a relationship-  but taking time out to do things with your partner is very essential at all stages on the relationship especially after marriage.

Let’s take an example of a brand new building- on the day the building was completed, there was little or no maintenance or housekeeping required because it has just being built. If this building is unmaintained but constantly in use for another 2years, the value and quality drops significantly.

So, let’s say the brand new building signifies a brand new relationship- and one of the regular maintenance required is regular date nights.  Take some time out to spend  time alone as a couple  doing what you both enjoy doing , we let a lot of things come in the way of investing our time in things that really matters- things like finances, children take over our life that we forget all the other things that actually matters. Having said that, we can do all these things and still manage to create time or sneak in some time to spend with our partner- every minute spent doing something fun is an investment on the marriage or relationship.

Most couple only go out together when they both receive an invitation to someone else’s event- that doesn’t count- or worse still- some don’t even do anything alone together at all- and we have some who blame it all on the kids- forgetting that these kids will one day grow old enough to fly the nest- then you are stuck with your “old unmaintained building”. Date nights does not have to be expensive or even cost anything if we can get away with not spending. A simple walk in the park, or a special day chosen to cook and eat a special meal together at home without the kids are some alternatives to spending- but if you can afford to splash some cash why not- or also if you can, why not recreate some amazing times you had together in the past while creating new ones.

My point is that, whatever your schedule or circumstances, if you are lucky enough to have someone special in your life- the least you can do is create sometime to nurture the relationship. Money, kids, looks are some of the things we spend our time chasing and in some cases we think these are also required to have a healthy relationship- We tend to forget that the most important investment for a relationship/marriage to blossom is TIME.

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Now over to you folks- how often do you have date-nights?  Any cool ideas which are also easy on the wallet?  Tell us…