
By |February 25th, 2015|

Communication is one of the pillars of a strong relationship. Communicating your feelings, emotions, points and even your mindset helps your partner know you better which helps to deal with any situation the best way possible. Good communication makes the relationship much easier and it even draws the couple closer. Remember, this person is your best friend- so why not talk to them about everything and anything? […]

The ideal partner…..Or not so ideal

By |February 18th, 2015|

Everyone wants an ideal partner, but the question really is what an ideal partner is? How do you measure such a partner and who decides if the partner is ideal.

These days there seem to be a step by step guideline for everything, the other day; I came across a guide on how to make your marriage last forever- I believe no one should want to live life based on a manual written by someone from somewhere.


Some classic jokes….enjoy

By |February 16th, 2015|



By |February 14th, 2015|

How are you all spending your day (Valentines day 2015)? Dinner date, reading a book, feasting with family and friends, away on holidays? Tell us…

Do you think valentines is simply overrated?
In your opinion, what is an ideal way to celebrate valentines day?

By |February 14th, 2015|

Isn’t it funny how a word can have such a contrasting meaning? Lol!


Sex, Sex, Sex!!!! Lots of It

By |February 14th, 2015|

Let’s talk about sex baby! I just knew this is the topic to launch with, not just because it’s a dating and relationship blog or its valentine’s day, but also because I feel we do not talk enough about sex. The challenges, the concerns, the fun, the “awesomeness” the dirty, ditzy little details, heck some of us even shy away from the topic. I sometimes see a pregnant lady and I think…OMG! Did you have sex? YOU?
