How to catch and stop a cheating partnerMay 21st, 2015
Some classic jokes….enjoyFebruary 16th, 2015
Sex, Sex, Sex!!!! Lots of ItFebruary 14th, 2015
Valentines!February 14th, 2015
The ideal partner…..Or not so idealFebruary 18th, 2015
How to catch and stop a cheating partnerMay 21st, 2015
50 first datesApril 17th, 2015
Infidelity in a relationship- who is to blame?April 7th, 2015
The modern Vs The traditional coupleMarch 23rd, 2015
Better late than neverMarch 16th, 2015
Aunty Kaydee says:
Aunty Kaydee says:
Aunty Kaydee says:
Angry birds …. Loooool
……now whenever ma boss gets on ma nerves, the first thing that will come to ma mind is a diaper
Yep! I cant blame you hun.