The modern Vs The traditional couple

By |March 23rd, 2015|

This is one of my favourite topics-  I’ll try not to get too carried away by not making the post too long but I can assure you folks that it will be a very interesting one- Enjoy!

So, the modern Vs. the traditional couple- By modern, I am referring to a couple with a dynamic, young, and diverse mind-set. While by traditional- I am referring to a couple who although can be young but have a mind-set of the old style marriage, beliefs and values. Of course there can be some similarities between both – but there are certainly some differences in characters, expectations and mind sets. […]

Better late than never

By |March 16th, 2015|

Very interesting saying- it’s funny how it (better late than never) can be used in so many context- the first time It was ever used at me was when I had to submit a coursework at uni and I missed the deadline- I went to speak to the tutor- and he said I could still hand in the coursework- although I will lose some points for lateness but I will at least get some points as its “better late than never”.

Now, how can we apply this concept to dating? As compared to my course-work, there Is no stated deadline to meet and settle with the right partner- If anything, there are only deadlines we have set for ourselves or ones we have subjected ourselves to due to the society or our peers. […]

Are you the better half?

By |March 4th, 2015|

It’s being almost a week since my last post, So many things to write about, so many ideas & topics. I have decided to go with this topic or rather this million dollar question where almost every person in a marriage or a relationship answers yes to, well, only a handful would say no, my partner is.
